
Jennifer Hofmann Ribowsky, MS, PA-C


Acute Conjunctivitis: More Than Meets the Eye

Acute conjunctivitis, or “pink eye,” is inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear thin mucous membrane lining the inner eyelids and covering the sclerae.

Jennifer L. Hofmann, MS, PA-C


What Are the Latest Influenza Vaccine Recommendations?

Clinicians should recommend routine yearly influenza vaccinations for everyone 6 months or older who has no contraindications for the 2019-2020 influenza season starting at the end of October, according to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

Jennifer Nessel


CVS: Heart Health Screenings at No Cost in February

CVS Health is offering no-cost 'Know Your Numbers' heart health screenings every Thursday in February, including Valentine’s Day, at MinuteClinic.

Jennifer Nessel, Assistant Editor


Daytime Sleepiness Linked to Risk of Developing Diabetes, Cancer in Older Patients

Older patients who experience daytime sleepiness may be at risk of developing new medical conditions, including diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure.

Jerry Barbee, Jr, PharmD, BCPS, CPh


Management of Opioid- Induced Constipation

Prescription opioids are potent pain-relieving medications that, when used correctly, can effectively control pain and increase the quality of life for patients with acute or chronic pain.

Jill Murphy, Assistant Editor


Study: Teen Vaping Levels Remain High Despite Surge Leveling Off

Since the survey on nicotine and marijuana vaping began 4 years ago, use of these substances among teens have increased to markedly high levels.

Joanna Lewis, PharmD, MBA


Vaccinations for Seniors: What Health Care Providers Need to Know

Because of immunosenescence, the weakening of the immune system and progressive decline of adaptive and innate immune responses as we age, illnesses can cause significant mortality and morbidity in elderly persons.

Johnathan Jernigan, 2017 PharmD Candidate


Management of Opioid- Induced Constipation

Prescription opioids are potent pain-relieving medications that, when used correctly, can effectively control pain and increase the quality of life for patients with acute or chronic pain.

Jonathan Obert, MD


PPIs and Antacids: How to Avoid Interactions

The introduction of proton pump inhibitors in the late 1980s dramatically changed the treatment and outcome of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Kaitlynn Ely


Grocery Store Chain Teams up to Create Full-Service Clinic

Schnuck Markets Inc., a Midwestern grocery chain, has teamed up with Centene Corp. and Betty Jean Kerr People’s Health Centers to create a full-service clinic inside a Schunck supermarket in Ferguson, MO.

Karen Berger, PharmD


Taking Time to Appreciate Nurses

Senator Maureen Walsh made a statement about nurses playing cards all day, which caused a massive reaction among hardworking health care professionals everywhere.

Karen Brautigam, FNP


Summer's Finale: Stings, Bites, Mites, and Lice

Retail health clinicians should be armed with the knowledge of how to treat what could be more than just a minor skin irritation.

Karen Brautigam, FNP-C


Cardiovascular Disease Prevention & Management in Retail Health

Recent statistics reveal that 85.6 million Americans live with cardiovascular disease or residual deficits from stroke.

Karen Daley


Nurse: Needlestick Injuries a Serious Occupational Hazard

Healthcare workers face a potential silent killer every day that is so common it is routinely overlooked and ignored: accidental needlesticks.

Karen Rance, DNP, APRN, CPNP, AE-C


Ascultating Breath Sounds: What the Retail Clinician Should Know

Most patients experience respiratory distress symptoms at some point in their lives, and at times, those symptoms will drive them to seek a health care provider’s diagnosis at a retail clinic.

Katarzyna Lalicata, MSN, FNP-C, FNP-BC


Knock Out Aches and Pains From Cold

The symptoms associated with colds, most commonly congestion, coughing, sneezing, and sore throats, are the body's response when a virus exerts its effects on the immune system. Cold symptoms peak at about 1 to 2 days and last 7 to 10 days but can last up to 3 weeks.

Kathleen M. Dailey, MS, ARNP


Managing Diabetes Treatment in the Retail Clinic

With the Affordable Care Act's expansion of health care coverage and the shortage of primary medical homes, outcome-based chronic disease management requires an innovative approach.

Kathryn Hubbard, PharmD


Supplement Use for Better Health

With thousands of dietary supplements on the market and often contradictory or unconvincing clinical evidence for their use, many providers hesitate to make recommendations for or against them.

Kathy Veenendaal, MSN, APN, FNP-BC


Curbing Childhood Obesity: What Clinicians Can Do

Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States.

Katie Eder, Director of Content


Hospital Set to Open Retail Clinic in Connecticut Grocery Store

By the end of the summer, Johnson Memorial Hospital (JMH) will open its very first retail clinic at a grocery store located in Stafford Springs, Connecticut.

Katie Eder, Senior Editor


Nurse Practitioners Recognized in Obama's Opioid Abuse Plan

In a $1.1 billion proposal to Congress, President Barack Obama recognized the vital role nurse practitioners play in addressing the country’s opioid abuse and heroin use epidemic.

Kelly Davio


Cancer Mortality Rate Continues to Drop as Socioeconomic Gap Widens

An overall 27% drop in the cancer mortality rate translates into 2.6 million fewer deaths from cancer in the United States between the years 1991 and 2016.

Kelsey Fontneau, PharmD Candidate


Avoiding Drug–Drug Interactions in Patients With Respiratory Diseases

An incredible number of diseases and infections warrant the use of respiratory medications. Retail health prescribers write prescriptions for numerous respiratory medications for this handful of disease states in diverse patient populations.

Kenneth Bender, PharmD, MA


App Aims to Diagnose Epilepsy in Children

A new web-based application aims to provide an early and accurate diagnosis of pediatric epilepsy.

Kevin Kunzmann


New CDC Guidelines Address Mild TBI, Concussions in Children

The CDC National Center for Injury Prevention and its federal advisory committee Control Board of Scientific Counselors has released a new set of guidelines for the comprehensive care of pediatric mild traumatic brain injury, such as concussion.

Kimberly J. Henderson, MD, JD


Treating Acute Strains and Sprains in the Convenient Care Clinic

This Continuing Education Activity is jointly provided by Dannemiller and Pharmacy Times Continuing Education.

Krista Rossi


Nasal Spray Treatment for Migraine Granted FDA Approval

The nasal spray is formulated using a proprietary novel excipient known as Intravail to achieve blood levels similar to a 4-mg sumatriptan subcutaneous injection, resulting in rapid onset of action.

Kristen Coppock, MA


New Integrated Continuous Glucose Monitor Available to Patients With Diabetes

A new integrated continuous glucose monitoring system that aims to help patients with diabetes manage their condition and to share health data with care providers is now available.

Kristen Coppock, MA, Editor


Coronavirus Task Force: Vaccine Candidate Being Tested, Americans Urged to Remain at Home

Trump and task force members urged Americans to take seriously social distancing recommendations made by the CDC and other health experts.

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