July 12 Week in Review: Study Finds Statistically Significant Rate of Patients Receiving Naloxone in Health Systems, Non-Health System Pharmacies, Population of Patients with Cancer to Increase to 22 Million by 2030


This weekly video program provides our readers with an in-depth review of the latest news, medical product approvals, FDA rulings, and more. The Week in Review highlights a Contemporary Clinic article each week, and is a can't miss for the busy healthcare professional.

This weekly video program provides our readers with an in-depth review of the latest news, medical product approvals, FDA rulings, and more. The Week in Review highlights aContemporary Clinicarticle each week, and is a can't miss for the busy healthcare professional.

Nicole Grassano, Host: Hello and welcome to thePharmacy TimesNews Network. I’m Nicole Grassano your host for our Pharmacy Week in Review.

A retrospective study found statistical significance between the rate of patients receiving naloxone with opioid prescriptions at health system pharmacies compared with non-health system pharmacies,Pharmacy Timesreported.

The study by Intermountain Healthcare Research aimed to determine whether implementing an opioid workflow that includes naloxone education and dispensing would increase the chance of patients receiving naloxone with their opioid prescription.

The results found that of the prescription filled at Intermountain Healthcare community pharmacies, in which the opioid workflow was implemented, 1.73% were accompanied by naloxone. Of those filled at external pharmacies, just 1.26% were accompanied by naloxone.

Some common red flags in patients requesting opioid prescriptions are known current or past regulatory action against prescribers, multiple family members receiving the same prescription from the same provider, pattern prescribing, and a request for cash payment.

Sandoz has launched epinephrine 0.3-mg and 0.15 mg injections, making adult and pediatric doses immediately available in local pharmacies across the United States,Contemporary Clinicreported.

These injections are indicated for the emergency treatment of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis to allergen immunotherapy, biting and stinging insects, diagnostic testing substances, drugs, food, and other allergens, as well as exercise-induced anaphylaxis.

The 0.3-mg and 0.15-mg injections are intended for immediate administration in patients who weigh about 66 pounds or more, and who weigh between 33 and 65 pounds, respectively, who aredetermined to be at an increased risk for anaphylaxis, including individuals with a history of anaphylactic reactions.

These epinephrine products are single-dose, small pre-filled syringes and device combinations that provide an alternative to auto-injectors.

The population of Americans with a history of cancer is projected to increase to about 22.1 million by 2030, based on the aging and growth of the population alone, increasing from about 16.9 million in 2019,Specialty Pharmacy Timesreported.

The projections are based on the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Treatment and Survivorship Statistics 2019 report, which indicates that the number of patients with a history of cancer continues to increase in the United States, despite declining rates in men and stable incidence rates in women.

There are 8.1 million males and 8.8 million females in the United States with a history of cancer, according to the report. About 2 of 3 patients with a history of cancer were diagnosed 5 or more years ago, and nearly 1 in 5 was diagnosed 20 or more years ago. Nearly two-thirds, or 64%, are 65 or older.

The 3 most prevalent cancers among men in 2019 are prostate, colon and rectum, and melanoma of the skin. For women the most prevalent cancers are breast, endometrium, and colon and rectum.

Pharmacists may get more questions about Jardiance, if patients have seen a recent commercial for the prescription medication.

In the spot, called “Jardiance: White Board,” a spokesperson asks a crowd of people about the importance of their heart, while many individuals cited their cardiovascular disease risk and how type 2 diabetes relates to it.

According to the commercial, Jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death while also lowering A1C levels when paired with diet and exercise.

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Thanks for watching our Pharmacy Week in Review. I’m Nicole Grassano at thePharmacy TimesNews Network.

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