Juul Labs No Longer Supporting Ban of E-Cigarette Sales in San Francisco


Juul Labs, an e-cigarette company headquartered in San Francisco, will end its support for a ballot measure that would suspend the sale of e-cigarettes in the city, if approved.

Juul Labs, an e-cigarette company headquartered in San Francisco, will end its support for a ballot measure that would suspend the sale of e-cigarettes in the city, if approved.1

The ballot initiative is opposed by many health groups who are working to end e-cigarettes sales to children, since Prop C would repeal any e-cigarette restrictions that were passed by the city’s supervisors. The ordinance says that, “no person shall sell or distribute an electronic cigarette to a person in San Francisco” unless that product has undergone premarket review by the FDA.1

The e-cigarette company has been supportive of the Proposition C (Prop C) campaign before this announcement, even contributing $18.6 million to the cause. The campaign has spent $10.5 million of this donation, which leaves about $7 million in unspent dollars that would be returned to Juul.2

Juul said in a prepared statement that they are “as committed as ever to our goal in improving the lives of the world’s one billion smokers while keeping our products out of the hands of youth through strong category-wide regulation.”1

If approved, the policy would become effective 30 days after being signed and becomes operative six months after that.1


  1. Juul will no longer support a San Francisco initiative to overturn the city’s effective ban on e-cigarette sales. CNN Health website. https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/01/health/juul-ends-support-repeal-san-francisco-e-cig-sales-ban/index.html. Published October 1, 2019. Accessed October 2, 2019.
  2. Juul ends support for Prop. C, SF measure to overturn e-cigarette sales ban. San Francisco Chronicle website. https://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/Juul-to-end-support-for-Prop-C-SF-measure-to-14481579.php. Published September 30, 2019. Accessed October 2, 2019.

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