Daily ReCAP (Chronic, Acute, Preventive) March 7, 2017


The latest news on chronic, acute, and preventive diseases across the health care landscape.

Chronic: Pregnant Mothers with Diabetes Linked to Altered Fat Cells in Offspring

Investigators found a link between pregnant women with diabetes and the alteration of fat cells in their offspring, according toReuters. This alteration in fat cells increases the likelihood of metabolic diseases in adulthood, the study suggests. Fetal hyperglycemia can occur in babies in the womb of women with diabetes. This condition affects fat stem cells, and these defects can be detected several years later, according to investigators. The results of the study showed that adult offspring of women who had diabetes during pregnancy had larger fat cells and an increase in hormone leptin production. These findings provide additional clues to help explain why children born to mothers with diabetes have an increased risk of diabetes.

Acute: Chemicals in Lice Treatments May Cause Behavioral Issues in Children

A chemical commonly found in head lice treatments and certain mosquito repellants has been linked to behavioral disorders in children. In a study published inBMJ, investigators sought to examine the association between prenatal and childhood exposure to pyrethroid insecticides and behavioral skills in children 6 years of age. Approximately 300 women completed a questionnaire regarding socioeconomic factors, lifestyle, child’s behavior, and various things their child has been exposed to. Psychologists visited the families’ homes to conduct behavioral assessments on their children. Urine and dust samples were also taken. The 3 pyrethroid metabolites trans-DCCA, cis-DBCA, and cis-DCCA showed up most often in both the mothers’ and their children’s urine. The results of the study showed that mothers with higher levels of cis-DCCA in their urine during pregnancy were more likely to have children with a higher risk of internalizing behaviors. Higher levels of the metabolite 3-PBA in the children’s urine were linked to a higher risk of externalizing behaviors. Overall, the investigators found that children with the highest levels of metabolites in their urines were 3 times more likely to have abnormal behavior compared with children who had lower levels. The findings suggest that pyrethroids may alter neurochemical signaling in the brain.

Preventive: Americans with Lack of Paid Sick Leave Less Likely to Utilize Preventive Screenings

Results of a new study have found that many Americans with coverage through the Affordable Care Act have chosen to forego 15 preventive screenings covered under their plans, according toEHS Today. The investigators used cross-sectional data from a sample of 13,545 adults aged 18 to 64 years with current paid employment from the 2015 National Health Interview Survey. The study examined the relationship between having paid sick leave and obtaining 8 preventive care services: blood pressure check, cholesterol check, fasting blood sugar check, flu shot, seen by a physician or health care provider, Pap tests, mammograms, and testing for colon cancers. The results of the study showed that workers who lacked paid sick leave were significantly less likely to receive preventive health care screenings in the last 12 months. This was seen even among individuals who were previously told they have a condition that puts them at higher medical risk, such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Furthermore, employees without paid sick leave were 1.6 times less likely to receive a flu shot in the past 12 months. “Our findings demonstrate that even when insured adults are provided with free preventive screenings, paid sick leave is a significant factor associated with actually using the screenings,” lead author LeaAnne DeRigne, PhD, toldEHS Today. “American workers risk foregoing preventive health care, which could lead to the need for medical care at later stages of disease progression and at a higher cost for workers and the American health care system as a whole.”

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